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Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanical Assessment - Gilbert & Lisson

Biomechanical Assessment London

The Foundation of Perfect Footwear

We know that the key to exceptional footwear lies in understanding your body’s unique mechanics. Our comprehensive biomechanical assessments ensure every shoe we craft is tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you are seeking to enhance athletic performance, managing foot pain or simply looking for maximum comfort, our assessment sets the foundation for footwear that works in harmony with your body.

Biomechanical Assessment London - Gilbert & Lisson

Biomechanical Assessment

To investigate any issues you are experiencing, we take the relevant medical history. Then we take a close look at your feet – calluses may be indicators of pronation type, foot movement or excessive pressures – and at the mechanics of the foot and lower limb as necessary, including any or all of the following:

  • Foot Posture Index
  • Arch height (sitting and standing)
  • Foot pronation and pelvic stability
  • Joint range of movement (big toe, ankle, knee and hip)
  • Locate any calluses on the foot as an indicator of pronation type, foot movement and any excessive pressures exerted when walking or running
  • Muscle length and flexibility (hamstring, calf, quads)
  • Neural Dynamic Assessment
  • Foot measurements (prone state and standing)
  • Standing posture

By the end of the consultation, we have a good understanding how the joints, muscles and nerves are functioning and how this may be impacting the gait or contributing to other problems.

To book your free consultation simply click here